Concussion InfoA concussion is an injury to the brain that occurs from a direct or indirect force that shakes the brain inside the skull. While most concussion symptoms resolve in several days, there is an increased chance of symptoms being prolonged if appropriate rest and care is not provided in the early stages. Signs and symptoms may include headache, dizziness, feeling foggy, inability to concentrate, sleepiness, irritability, nausea/vomitting, fatigue, feeling slowed down, difficulty remembering, sadness, nervousness, etc. Symptoms can be very subtle and may not even occur for hours after the trauma, so it is important to closely monitor the athlete and have the athlete rest if there are any questions. Follow up with a healthcare provider trained in concussion management will provide the safest outcome for the athlete. In a sports environment, it is ESSENTIAL that when there is trauma to the head, or trauma to the body that may shake the head, the athlete should be monitored closely for signs or symptoms. When a concussion is suspected, the individual should be removed from the activity immediately and monitored closely for worsening of symptoms. In most cases, the proper treatment is REST, but if symptoms worsen, the athlete should be referred to the local emergency department. Research has proven that there is no specific threshold of force that will determine if an athlete suffers a concussion after trauma, nor is there a way to predict an exact timeframe before all symptoms will reside and it be safe to return to activity. Every concussion is unique and must be treated individually. Concussion may or may not involve loss of consciousness (LOC). What to expect if your child-athlete has a concussion. Can a helmet prevent a concussion? Should my child attend school following a concussion?
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